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Tips and Tricks
Vetta search tips
When seraching for Vetta patches, please select Vetta from the products list. This tells the search engine to search for your amp selection in both amplifier models in each Vetta patch.
All patches for one product
Select the product from the list of products and click Search.
All patches for one author
Select the author’s name from the Uploaded By list and click Search. Selecting more than on entry in a list
If you want to select a range of entries, just drag your mouse with the button down over those entries. If you want to select a few individual entries, on a Windows-based computer, hold down the [Ctrl] key and then click the mouse on the list entries you want to select. On a Mac, use the Option key instead and click on the entries with your mouse. over a range of entries you want to select.
Finding a specific patch
If your friend tells you to look for “patch 212”, for example, simply enter the desired patch number in the ID field and click search.
Looking for patches using a certain amp model
The amp models are grouped by the product to which they belong. Select one or more amp models with the mouse and click the search button.