There are a lot of great people in the Line 6 users community. We’ve tried to identify some of them on this page. Please let me know if I’ve missed something worth mentioning.
Other Vetta Sites
Vettaville, by Nathan Shane. The ‘mutha’ of all Vetta sites, Nathan has made a teremendous contribution to the community of Vetta players.
ELA’s Vetta patch FTP site. Excellent alternate source of Vetta patches.
Swedish Vetta MP3s. Great site, makes you want to learn Swedish! Jah!
The Line 6 Vetta Video. Yep, this is what got a lot of us salivating for the release of the Vetta, back in the summer of 2001!
Other Line 6 Sites
AZ’s patches. AZ is da man when it comes to Flex and Pod patches.
The Line 6 Discussion Forum. AZ scores another home run. This is simply the best source of information on Line 6 products. Excellent threaded discussions.
Dthraco’s Pod site. Simply killer source of info and patches.
Malhavok’s Line 6 Patches. Another great source of patches for Line 6 products.
POD Forum. Benoa’s excellent thereaded discussion on subjects related to the POD.
Other Stuff
The PRS Forum. One of the most intelligent on-line music communities you’ll find. Great people.
Advanta Solutions, Inc. Owners of this site!
Line 6’s site